When you attend a tryout/showcase at a Paramount Scouting Bureau event, in a sense, you are performing in front of all colleges and professional leagues.  While there are no guarantees, we can tell you that if you are good enough, we will get your name out to teams at the appropriate level.

College Placement

The Paramount Scouting Bureau places players into junior colleges and all divisions of the NAIA and NCAA.  Attending a Paramount Scouting Bureau showcase is an opportunity to be seen by all colleges. It is not necessary for a coach to be in attendance at one of our events for them to find out about your abilities, as your information is made available following the showcase to every school in the country.  Colleges also contact us throughout the year asking us to assist them in finding players to fill their needs, now and for the future.


The Paramount Scouting Bureau also promotes players to colleges utilizing the services of National Scouting Report, the premier scouting service for college coaches and high school athletes since launching the industry in 1980. National Scouting Report helps aspiring high school student-athletes achieve their dreams of playing sports at the collegiate level.  College coaches across the nation faithfully rely upon National Scouting Report for a consistent stream of top-quality athletes. National Scouting Report has the knowledge base and experience that you can depend on to provide excellent service and sound advice throughout the entire recruiting process.

Professional Placement

When you go to a Major League Baseball tryout camp, and we do encourage you to do so, you are trying out only for that team.  If they do not want you, they are not going to pass your name around to other teams...that is not their job.  There have been players who have attended several camps prior to ours and nothing happened from them. They attended a Paramount Scouting Bureau event and got signed.

When you perform at a Paramount Scouting Bureau event, you are trying out for every team in professional baseball.  We evaluate each player using a 20-80 MLB rating scale with 50 being the MLB average.  Using this method, we determine each athlete’s level of playing ability.  We will not inflate our evaluation ratings.  We cannot send a report to a general manager or scouting director saying that a player is a 40 and he turns out to be a 20.  An organization signs a player based on his trust in the Paramount Scouting Bureau.  If a player is not what we say that he is, that organization will never use us again, and our reputation is damaged.

Once we determine a player’s ability level, we promote him to our contacts in the professional organizations, usually the director of scouting or general managers.  There are four slots a player fits into when he comes to our camp.

          1. MLB affiliates
          2. Independent leagues
          3. Over seas
          4. Not a prospect (NP)

If team A is not interested, then we go to team B and so on. We do not promise or guarantee contracts; we give honest, accurate evaluations and try very hard through our resources to find jobs for players.   Between contacting teams, and professional organizations contacting us, we have been successful in placing players to professional teams. For the Paramount Scouting Bureau, our relationships with teams are based on trust.  The Paramount Scouting Bureau prides itself on honesty, integrity, and the passion to help prospects achieve their dreams of becoming professional baseball players.  Making it to professional baseball on any level is a long shot, but if you have talent and you have the Paramount Scouting Bureau in your corner, your odds of success improve greatly.